Alive Displays develops low-cost, flexible systems to display your safety, production, HR and service data in real time on large screens across your enterprise. The system is intuitive and easy to maintain, and interfaces securely with your production floor databases and plant matrices.
Alive Displays uses PADS4 software, which is completely secure and will integrate seamlessly into your current network. Whether you require a simple welcome message on a single screen or real-time production information on thousands of displays, PADS4 can do it all, easily and reliably.
Our systems are easy to maintain and update, and have a familiar Microsoft Office® look and feel. Platform agnostic, we read your data directly from SQL, Oracle® and MS Access® databases. We can also display content from MS Excel® or PowerPoint® and even external data from websites, RSS feeds and social media sites, all in real-time.
In a few simple steps you can display your message, exactly as you want;
Data Sources - identify your data on your network and connect via the PADS4 interface. Choose which elements of your data are to be displayed.
Design - create a visual that makes sense for your application. Incorporate your company logo and production floor images for example. Overlay live alerts and events in the design.
Schedule - use an Outlook-style calendar interface to schedule different displays at relevant times.
Distribute - display specific presentations in different areas of your organisation
We can develop standard templates based on your enterprise and HR requirements and you can begin to create displays straight away by connecting to your data, setting rules and alerts and generating visualisations. We also provide training to your staff to allow you to create your own displays in the future.
Typical PADS set-up in a working environment.
Typical production line floor visualisation in a working environment, as generated by our software.
You decide on the information you want to see – from Overall Equipment Effectiveness to Mean Time Between Failures/To Repair.
Create various rules based on conditions such as IF, AND or OR. Then set visual alerts and change properties of shapes, text fields, tables, lines, charts and much more depending on the rule(s) set.