General Manufacturing

Bring your data to life

In the world of manufacturing it’s all about improving efficiency and productivity. Whether it’s in the automotive, pharmaceutical or electronic industry, reducing production costs, meeting consistent standards and ensuring employees safety are top priorities. Showing the right information to the right people at the right time is absolutely imperative which makes digital signage a perfect fit for any manufacturing environment.

Alive Displays seamlessly interface with production floor databases and plant matrices, to allow standard deployment across multiple lines. Keep your workforce informed of OEE and MTBF. Indicate overall line safety. Provide dashboards displaying information relevant to your business.


Control your message distribution to digital signs, video walls and interactive kiosks or other devices in your production facilities from one central location. Make sure nobody on the production floor misses critical process, safety, culture and company news messages. Reach your employees in other strategic areas of your production plant. Link up with your back-end systems and communicate real-time production metric reports, show inventory updates and alerts.

  • Want to learn more about Smart Digital Signage? Learn More
  • Adward-winning digital signage software. See how PADS4 can power your message.Take the tour
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    +353 (0)505 34107